Cereal de avena NESTLÉ Cheerios, caja 300 g

Cereal de avena NESTLÉ Cheerios, caja 300 g

Cereal de avena NESTLÉ...

Cereal de avena NESTLÉ Cheerios, caja 300 g
Cereal de avena NESTLÉ Cheerios, caja 300 gCereal de avena NESTLÉ Cheerios, caja 300 gCereal de avena NESTLÉ Cheerios, caja 300 gCereal de avena NESTLÉ Cheerios, caja 300 g
Cereal de avena NESTLÉ Cheerios, caja 300 gCereal de avena NESTLÉ Cheerios, caja 300 gCereal de avena NESTLÉ Cheerios, caja 300 gCereal de avena NESTLÉ Cheerios, caja 300 g
Cereal de avena NESTLÉ Cheerios, caja 300 gCereal de avena NESTLÉ Cheerios, caja 300 gCereal de avena NESTLÉ Cheerios, caja 300 gCereal de avena NESTLÉ Cheerios, caja 300 g

Cereal de avena NESTLÉ Cheerios, caja 300 g

Now 3,85

1 KILO A 12,83 €

We recommend that you check the product when you receive it to confirm all its details since you will be able to find more detailed and up-to-date information about the product.
Customer reviews (4)
4.0 out of 5 stars
Customer reviews
February 9, 2025
Verified purchase
Saludables y ricos
February 7, 2025
Verified purchase
Cereales super saludables y muy ricos. Parece mentira que sean 90% avena
January 27, 2023
Verified purchase
Son ligeros y ricos, siempre crujientes
One person found this review useful
June 14, 2023
Verified purchase
Personalmente no me gustan nada, no tienen nada de sabor
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